Wednesday, May 25, 2005

the strangest day of work EVER

Originally uploaded by abnihon.

yesterday was field trip day, so I walked with all the first year students, and their teachers, 5 miles, EACH WAY, to the next town, and up a mountain, to a little park. Why? I'm not really sure...
Then it got stranger. All the teachers ABANDONED the students, me, and Sarah on the top of this mountain, for about an hour, while they drove off to eat their lunch somewhere else. Ummm..ok...
Then all the children had to have a JUMP-ROPING contest, as one by one they started dropping down with heat exhaustion. (it was a pretty HOT day for all this activity in the sun and water supplies seemed to be scarce.)

I have the feeling that this trip wouldn't really fly in America. The parents would protest or something. (and rightly so). Japan is so bizarre!! ahhh!! The longer I live here, the stranger it seems to get.... I'll never get used to it.


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