Wednesday, March 16, 2005

happy day

I had motivation today. Not sure where that came from. Maybe the warm weather (it felt like 70 degrees. sooo nice). Or the fact that since I only have 4 months left here, the time seems so managable and the end is in sight. And all the things that I kinda wanted to do in Japan, I have to do now.

While sitting at my desk at school, I studied Japanese (copying characters and writing down new vocab words) instead of just wasting time on the internet as usual. It made the day go so much faster!
And in the evening, instead of sitting in my apt watching TV (and maybe going grocery shopping. woohoo.) I took a walk with my ipod and checked out the tea ceremony club at the cultural center. (Something that's been on my to-do list since fall. But in the winter I just couldn't find the motivation)
It was just 3 people - an older lady who's the teacher and two younger ladies who have been studying it for a few years . They were really nice and welcoming. The little old lady is going to pick up some supplies for me and in April I can start to learn the tea ceremony myself, instead of just watching and drinking the tea like I did today. So that will probably be a regular weekly thing for me.

I've always wanted to learn some of the tea ceremony. My mom took me to the Urasenke tea house in New York when I was writing a report on Japan in 7th grade and that was one of the moments that started my fascination with Japan.

There are a few other clubs I want to check out - maybe taiko drumming and flower arranging. At any rate it was just nice to be out, meeting new people, and doing something somewhat worthwhile with my time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome! yay! i'm glad things are looking up.

12:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree (though, why wouldn't I)! It's nice that you're finding stuff you want to do. This overseas stuff can be pretty lonely business.

6:39 AM  

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