Sunday, May 29, 2005

Star Wars!!!! (in Korea)

Originally uploaded by abnihon.

so Japan is the ONLY country that is not releasing Star Wars until July. Why? Because they're STUPID. But it's all good because I could see it in Korea!! (and for half the price of a movie in Japan.) And no, I did NOT go to Korea JUST to see Star Wars. (I'm not THAT nerdy). I had already planned my trip and it was just a happy coincidence. yay! Seeing this movie was probably the highlight of my weekend. haha. I don't think I'd actually been to a movie theater in months.

Anyways, I thought the movie kicked ass and it was just so AMAZING and powerful to see the story finally pull together. The writing and acting was a big step up from the last two (not too difficult). What'd everyone else think?


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